• Professional Service

Sadrco Engineering

  • 4711 Yonge St, 10th Floor
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Sadrco Engineering’s structural engineering practice has a long and successful track record in the construction industry. It’s what we love to do. By serving clients like you we get to help design projects that improve the spaces where people live, work, learn and play. You can count on Sadrco Engineering for bold and insightful evaluations, along with innovative engineering services for demolition, restoration, and construction.

Contact details
  • 4711 Yonge St, 10th Floor
  • (647) 362-6055
Serving 1600 Business & Commercial Property Owners.
Visit us along Yonge St. | HWY. 401 - Bishop Ave.
Contact us
  • 4711 Yonge Street, 10th Floor
    Toronto, ON M2N 6K8
  • hello@yongenorthyork.com
  • 416-432-6998

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Sadrco Engineering


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